Do You See What I See?

Hey! Want some more poetry? Why not, right? I hope you guys liked those last ones, cause here we go…(this one is a LOT longer space-wise)…

I see

I see

I see what you see

Can you see what I see

Can you describe it for me


I see

I see

I think I can see

I’m not blind

You see

I see a big tree

Do you

Do you

Do you see the tree

The tree that’s so large

And so much bigger than me

It’s there

Right there

That big massive tree

That big massive tree

That stands before me

Are you blind


Or can you see the tree

Can you see it

Or are you blind

As blind as can be


I see

I see

I see the big tree

I see

I see

I see what you see

But now

I look

I look

I look at the tree

I look

I look

I look at what I see

Do you look

Or just see

Do you look at the tree

I saw the tree

And now look at tree

I see every nook

Every nook in the tree

The leaves are all golden

And falling one by one

Down to the ground

As they catch the sun

Just seeing

Not looking

Can be a mistake

When there’s so much to see

There’s so much to take

Sight is a gift

And we take it for granted

We see much too often

But hardly ever look

We experience little

When we don’t stop to look

I look

I look

I look at the tree

Every leaf

Every branch

Every bug I can see

Do you see

Do you look

Do you look at the tree

Or do you just stare

And see pointlessly?


Surprise tree picture! Seriously though, isn’t it amazing?!


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